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To understand a dog, you have to think like a dog

Indigenous women have always played a major role in the bringing up of not only children but also dogs. As a woman of Lakota heritage, I have always preferred a native approach when interacting with dogs, however in modern society this is not always possible – at first glance. It is possible for us to work with a dog’s natural instincts and fulfill his needs as a dog to enable him a carefree existence.


To understand a dog, you have to think like a dog. Dogs are highly intelligent animals, yet it is quite unlikely that they will ever learn how to speak the human language. Since we humans are capable of learning different languages, we are capable of learning the language of dogs.


 A dog has the soul of a philosopher.  




A dog sees the world through a dog’s eyes and translates the human world into his dog world. Pack animals by nature, it is natural for them that there are leaders and followers. Dogs live with humans and perceive their families as a pack even if humans aren’t dogs. The rules of the pack, which he is familiar with from birth, determine his perception and interpretation of family life and life in general.


Throughout the day, dog rituals take place. By knowing and understanding these rituals you can influence your dog’s behavior, so that he acknowledges your leadership.


When your dog respects and trusts you as his leader, and you’ve won his heart and mind, he will naturally choose to follow you. Dog training is so much easier when your dog is willing to learn and cooperate.


True leadership cannot be achieved through force or training, but only through calm, assertive actions and consistent consequences.


Find out how you can become a calm and convincing dog leader and strengthen and deepen your bond with your dog in a 2 to 3-hour consultation at your home. An IN-HOME CONSULTATION allows me to experience you, your dog and other family members in your familiar surroundings and take into account all the factors affecting your dog, which is essential for providing you with clear direction that will work for you, your dog and environment. You’ll learn what makes your dog tick and why he doesn’t (always) listen to you. Understanding this is vital, if you want to win your dog over, so he’ll obey you in any given situation. You’ll also learn simple, dog-friendly techniques that are very effective.


Together we get to the bottom of the cause of the undesired behavior and solve the problem instead of fighting symptoms. You’ll soon understand why traditional dog training methods aren’t enough to make your dog a relaxed, balanced and obedient companion.


My dog training method is suitable for all dogs of any breed, behavioral problems that are not caused by medical issues and can be applied by all humans regardless of age. Your dog’s age isn’t relevant either nor how long he’s been displaying undesired behavior or if he’s blind and/or deaf.


ALL dogs and their humans can learn my method and benefit from my experience no matter if you’re a ONE DOG HOUSEHOLD, MULTIPLE DOG HOUSEHOLD or FIRST TIME DOG OWNER.


Lakota Dog Whisperer

Certified Dog Trainer & Behaviorist

Jackie Schott Bear
3800 Unterseen

   079 692 69 66